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Hexagon’s Analysis Solutions
Hexagon Design Suites
Hexagon Elektrical
AX3000® Mechanical,Electrical, Plumbing(MEP)
BricsCAD - Bricsys
Applied Flow Technologies
Fathom Fluid Dynamic Simulation
Arrow Compressible Pipe Flow Analysis
Impulse Pressure Transients
AFT xStream Steam Gas high-speed, acoustic transients
Chempak Fluids Thermo-Physical Properties
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Applied Flow Technologies
AFT Fathom
Fathom is practical fluid dynamic simulation software used to calculate pressure drop and flow distribution in liquid.
AFT Arrow
AFT Arrow is a practical fluid dynamic simulation software for calculating pressure drop and flow distribution in gas piping.
AFT Impulse
AFT Impulse is a powerful fluid dynamic simulation tool used to calculate pressure transients in piping systems caused by waterhammer.
AFT xStream
AFT xStream is a powerful fluid dynamic simulation tool for high-speed, acoustic transients that occur in steam and gas piping systems.
Comprehensive thermo-physical properties on a wide range of fluids for AFT’s family of pipe flow modeling software products.